Cross Stitch: Birth Announcement

As promised, I wanted to share my first ever freestyle cross stitch creation. I started doing embroidery/cross stitch last September, and I have been having a blast making bookmarks, Christmas ornaments, and gifts for people. This project took a bit longer than my patience could reasonably accommodate (3.5 months) but it was for a good... Continue Reading →

Easter Trail Ride

all she really cares about in life is cookies! Easter Sunday I was dreading going out to the barn. Caliber hadn't been ridden in over a week and I had just managed to turn her out 2 days before, and then 2 days before that. I decided she needed to be ridden but i had... Continue Reading →

Kittens and Journaling

I have been striving to make my migraine reduction (and hopeful elimination) a holistic part of my daily activities via better eating habits (keto) and mindful stress reduction (horseback riding, crafting, yoga, etc.). On this vein, one of the things I've been trying to be more present and appreciative of the creatures in my life... Continue Reading →

Cross Stitch: Bob’s Burgers

Along with horseback riding, I really like crafting during my free time. Since I can't ride in the dark, I have found it to be one of the best ways to keep myself engaged in the evenings. I've made greeting and birthday cards, knitted, photoshopped photography I've dabbled in, enjoyed coloring books, and right now... Continue Reading →

Cream Cheese Cookies

Well, my other half has been craving cheese cookies. His mom made them when he was a kid and I asked him last weekend what baked recipe he wanted me to try keto-fying. So, cheese cookies it is. His mom sent me her recipe and we were off to the races. Lo and behold, they... Continue Reading →

The Trouble with Young Horses is

they're still growing ... After being unable to get through some behavioral issues with Caliber, on January 1st I sent my girl off to a local colt starter with a reputation that preceeds him. I've been making it out to see her about once a week to check on progress and start riding her under... Continue Reading →

Crock-pot Chipotle Shredded Beef

Continuing the crock-pot trend, I knew I was going to have a busy day between my work schedule and a happy hour with the girls after. My crock-pot is fantastic in that it has a "warm" setting, which enables me to ensure the crock-pot food is still warm and fantastic even if I don't get... Continue Reading →

Teriyaki Jerky

Last Sunday I had a great time making beef jerky with the significant other for the first time. I dug into Maria Emmerich's cookbook again for the recipe, with a few tweaks. We threw in extra garlic (surprise surprise) and I only cooked it in the oven for 5 hours and 45 minutes at 170... Continue Reading →

Spaghetti Zoodles!!

A few weeks ago I purchased a spiralizer. It has been a tool worth its weight. When we aren't in the mood for cooking or don't really have the time, we will make zucchini or squash noodles, throw some low carb spaghetti sauce on top (I'm lazy and buy store-bought), mix some bacon bits in,... Continue Reading →

Crock-Pot Barbecue Pulled Pork

Since deciding to try the ketogenic diet on account of my migraines, I have found a newfound love for my crock-pot. With that, I've been experimenting with more of Maria Emmerich's "Quick and Easy Ketogenic Cookbook" recipes. Next up was BBQ Pulled Pork - of course with additional garlic for the significant other. As per... Continue Reading →

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